Window Security for Home and Business Owners

Many home and business owners are concerned about the security of their premises. The easiest points of entry for burglars are usually the windows of the building. Windows, unless they are specially constructed with security glass, are very easy to break. It only takes a heavy object smashed into the window to shatter it to bits. Window security is especially important in high-crime parts of the city. There are several options available for those who would feel more secure if their windows had extra safety features. The type of window security depends on the needs of individuals and the price that they are willing to pay for the device. A business may need more than a simple security bolt to completely secure the premises from burglars. Those who are worried about vandals smashing windows can prevent this from happening by installing rolling metal shutters. These devices are often used for storefronts in inner-city locations.

The simplest and least expensive way to secure windows is to install a security bolt. This device is small and portable and it can be used on most types of windows. It is usually best to use this bolt on sliding windows. It will not work on windows that are opened outward by cranking a lever. The device is attached in the window track beside the windowpane. The bolt is then fastened by turning an attached screw until it is secure and cannot be moved. This prevents the window from sliding open. The bolt can be used on the bottom of glass patio doors and will prevent the door from being opened. This is a simple measure that works only if the burglar does not intend to smash the glass. It is good to prevent casual crime and stops anyone from entering the home. Many crimes are crimes of opportunity, so this device works well in relatively crime-free neighborhoods.

For those interested in more secure window fixtures it is possible to have window bars installed. These are reminiscent of the bars on jail windows and are not generally preferred for homes. They can work well for business purposes, but the window can still be broken because of the usual wide spacing of the bars. Business owners in vandalism plagued areas would not have as much use for these devices. To prevent glass from being broken business owners may wish to install wire mesh over their windows. This wire mesh covers the window entirely but still allows light to come through and usually allows those inside to be able to see outside the building. A home that needs more than the usual security at night has the option of installing folding security grilles. The grilles fold into the side of the window or door frame and are very unobtrusive during the day. At night they can be folded out from the side to cover the entire window or door.

The most high-security device is the rolling security shutter. The shutter is usually attached to the top of the window and rolls down on the outside of the window. This device needs to be installed into the frame of the home and therefore can be quite expensive. The shutter is made of strong metal and is impervious to heavy blows. Entire storefronts can be covered with this shutter to make the premises completely secure. For those wishing to find out more, there are websites that supply information on bolts.